Clouds disappeared from Neptune Scientists said all this was done by the Sun
Scientists noticed a strange pattern in early 2019. The presence of clouds began to fade around the mid-latitudes of the planet. From Report It is said that eventually all clouds disappeared from the planet.
Since 2019, scientists have seen only a patch of white floating around the planet’s south pole. Imke de Pater, professor of astronomy at the University of California, has expressed surprise at the disappearance of clouds from Neptune. Imke de Pater is the senior author of this study.
To understand the matter in detail, scientists decided to explore Neptune further. He looked at photographs taken by Keck Observatory between 2002 and 2022. Also, data from Hubble Telescope and Lick Observatory were also seen. Scientists believe that this behavior of Neptune’s clouds is related to the 11-year solar cycle of our Sun.
It is noteworthy that our Sun is still going through its 11-year solar cycle and is in a very active phase. Because of this, incidents of solar flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) are being seen on all the planets including the Earth. Astronomers’ reports say that when the Sun is very active, more clouds start forming on Neptune and when the Sun is less active, its clouds scatter. these findings icarus Published in magazines.