Night Owls At Increased Risk Of Death Not Because Of Habit But Lifestyle Says New Study

Night has great importance not only in human life but in the life of every living being. Night is the time when our body repairs itself. Stores new strength for the next morning. But nowadays people have started using night like day. You may be shocked to know how dangerous it can be to stay awake for long hours at night. A new study is making shocking revelations about this.

A new solution for people who stay awake at night Study Has come forward. In which it is said that people who stay awake late at night do not die early because of this one habit of theirs, rather their daily habits have a greater role in it. This means that the habit of staying up late has less to do with early death than it does with lifestyle. This research has been done in Finland. In which a study was conducted on 37 years of data of 23 thousand people.

It was found out that due to waking up at night, can a person die within a few decades? Earlier studies that had come out on this subject had said that waking up at night brings a person closer to death and his behavior also becomes unhealthy. Chronobiology International Now this new study has been published.

This 37 year long research is said to be completed in 2018. During this period, 8700 people involved in research also died. The participants were asked whether they were early risers, late risers, or stay awake all night. In response to the question, those who said they stay awake all night had a 21% higher risk of early death, compared to those who slept well at night and woke up early in the morning.

But a new twist in the story came when researchers included factors like body mass index (BMI), sleep duration, education level, chronic diseases, alcohol consumption, smoking etc. After this it was found that the percentage of deaths due to waking up at night remained only 9. Overall, researchers came to the conclusion that waking up at night is not as big a cause of death as people’s lifestyle is responsible for it. Therefore, for a long, healthy life, taking care of health is considered most important and it is advisable to adopt beneficial habits.

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