After SpaceX Starship rocket launch test Environmental groups sue FAA

Elon Musk’s company SpaceX last month launched the world’s most powerful rocket ‘Starship’. The Starship rocket exploded about 4 minutes after launch. A group of environmental groups was criticizing this launch. Now a group has decided to sue America’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). According to reports, the environmental group believes that the FAA did not fully analyze the damage caused by the rocket launch.

news In the Federal District Court of Washington, according to trial Has been filed. The FAA has given SpaceX a license to conduct 20 launches of Starship every year for the next 5 years. The environmental group has demanded from the court that this license should be cancelled.

SpaceX conducted the first Starship test launch on April 20 from its site off the coast of South Texas. The approximately 120 meter high Starship rocket flew to a height of 39 kilometers. Due to technical glitches, the rocket detonated over the Gulf of Mexico after 4 minutes. SpaceX’s site also suffered damage due to the launch, pictures of which were also revealed.

This launch test was criticized by many organizations. The Center for Biological Diversity, the American Bird Conservancy, the Surfrider Foundation and other organizations have now sued. It has been said that the particulate matter that reached the surrounding areas due to the launch was more than the standards.

Organizations say that the place from where it was launched is the habitat of many endangered species. The incident of rocket launch and explosion caused intense heat, noise and light pollution in the surrounding area. Debris also spread in residential areas. According to AFP report, the FAA has Comment Have denied. He is investigating the starship launch. Upcoming launch tests of Starship have been put on hold until the investigation is complete.

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