China will send spacecraft to an asteroid in 2025 the Mission called Tianwen 2

of reuters Report According to, the name of the mission is Tianwen-2. Its chief designer Zhang Rongqiao has said that the main goal of Tianwen-2 is to collect samples from asteroid 2016HO3. This will be a non-passenger mission.
Zhang said that if China is successful, it will be the first sample collected by it from interplanetary space. Zhang said that the spacecraft will first collect samples of the asteroid and then travel further to locate a comet. This comet is present in the Main Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter.
The asteroid to which China is going to send a mission is not very big. The size of the asteroid may be approximately 300 feet. This asteroid was seen for the first time in the year 2016. It revolves around the Sun in almost the same manner as the Earth revolves around the Sun.
Before the Tianwen-2 mission, China had launched the Tianwen-1 spacecraft. That spacecraft landed on Mars in the year 2021 and has obtained many important information. However, China is not the only country to send missions to asteroids.
We have already told you about NASA’s DART mission. Japan has also sent a mission to the asteroid. In 2019, a Japanese probe landed on the asteroid Ryugu, 250 million kilometers away from Earth, and collected samples. Those samples have given evidence that water on Earth may have come from outside i.e. from space.