Alien signal sent from Mars to Earth in 16 minutes by ESA TGO is a SETI institute Project

But this signal was not sent by any alien civilization, but by humans themselves, which reached the Earth in 16 minutes. a report According to, the European Space Agency (ESA)’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) sent an encoded message to Earth from its orbit around Mars at 9:00 pm on Wednesday night. Its purpose is to know what the situation will be like when an alien message actually reaches us.
This project has been named ‘A Sign in Space’ project. Daniela De Paulis, who played a major role in it, said that receiving a message from aliens would be a deep and transformative experience for the entire human race. Daniela De Paulis is with the SETI Institute. Experts and scientists from all over the world are working together to decode the messages from TGO.
This message sent by the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter was received on Earth by the Green Bank Telescope (West Virginia), Medicina Radio Astronomical Station (Italy), Allen Telescope Array (California) and Very Large Array Telescope (New Mexico). The special thing is that people and groups from all over the world have been invited to decode this signal sent from Mars. The message has been designed by Daniela De Paulis and her team. The team has hidden the message from the world. She wants people to decode the message and interpret it.
This is a unique experiment in itself. If the project named ‘A Sign in Space’ is successful, it will be a big achievement for those scientists who are searching for aliens and the secrets related to them.