Aliens can reach us through leaked mobile towers signals, says study

In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society published The study suggests that aliens may be able to find us by using mobile tower signals. It is noteworthy that in the last decade, a network of mobile phone networks has been laid on the earth. For this, every country has installed millions of radio transmission towers, which are also commonly called mobile towers.
Because there are millions of mobile towers on our earth, some part of the radio signals emanating from them also goes into space. The study says that if aliens also have technology and are equipped with capabilities related to radio astronomy, then signals emanating from Earth can be detected within a dozen light years or less.
According to a report, the maximum leakage of radio signals occurs from military radar. After that comes the number of mobile phone towers, because their number is increasing. However, aliens will be able to reach us only when they are technologically equipped. The study does not tell how likely aliens are to have high-tech technology. Research says that if there are aliens in the star system nearest to Earth, they can detect radio signals from cell phone towers.