Asteroid coming close to the earth Today at a speed of 32613 Km/h know about 2023 GR

It becomes important for scientists to monitor asteroids. If their direction changes, they can collide with our planet. In such a situation, major devastation can occur. It is believed that millions of years ago, dinosaurs were wiped out from our earth due to the destruction caused by an asteroid collision.
Although ‘Asteroid 2023 GR’ poses no threat to Earth, scientists will continue to monitor it until it passes far away from our planet. At present this asteroid is traveling at a speed of approximately 32 thousand 613 kilometers per hour. It will come closest to Earth today. In size it is as big as an aircraft. It belongs to those groups of asteroids, which live between Earth and Mars and revolve around the Sun.
When asteroids come close to the Earth, scientists look at the distance between them and the Earth. For this the help of satellite and radar is taken. Most asteroids orbit in the Main Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, but many asteroids have orbits that pass near Earth. Asteroids that cross Earth’s orbital path are known as Earth-crossers.
When an asteroid is discovered, it is named by the International Astronomical Union Committee. The name can be anything, but a number is also added to it like – (99942) Apophis. Asteroids are also named after artists, scientists and historical characters.