Astronomers Discover largest stellar black hole in the Milky way what is it know

The black hole named BH3 is in the Aquila constellation, 2 thousand light years away from Earth. The astronomer said that the telescope being used in the Gaia mission can tell the exact location of stars in the sky. While studying the data that astronomers received, a black hole was discovered. It is about 33 times larger than our Sun.
Scientists discovered that Gaia BH3 is the most massive of all the stellar black holes discovered. According to reports, Panuzzo said that no one expected to discover such a massive black hole hidden in the galaxy. Don’t know why this has not come to light till now. He said that such a discovery happens once in the life of any researcher.
Stellar black holes were discovered when scientists observed a star orbiting around it. His motion was wavering. That star was a little smaller than the Sun, but was revolving around an invisible star. Then scientists came to know about the stellar black hole.
As we said, stellar black holes are formed at the end of a star’s life, when its gravity ends and it collapses. Stellar black holes are smaller than supermassive black holes.