Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy Captures a Supernova in Pinwheel galaxy

The millions and crores of stars that shine in the sky every night hold many mysteries within themselves. The biggest mystery is related to his birth and death. Scientists have so far known that when a star reaches the end of its life, its fuel supply ends. Then a terrible explosion occurs. Because of this the star becomes very bright, which can be seen thousands of light years away. This phenomenon of explosion in stars is called Sapurnova. An astrophotographer has captured this incident from Earth.

Andrew McCarthy is a well-known astrophotographer and presents the world with pictures of the universe. He is also very active in social media and gives important information on major astronomical events. Andrew McCarthy captured the supernova event while his telescope was scanning the Pinwheel galaxy.

Andrew has prepared and shared a series of frames captured by his telescope. The Pinwheel Galaxy is also known as M10. It is about 70 percent larger than our galaxy and is 21 million light years away from Earth. This is not the first time that Andrew McCarthy has surprised with his picture.

In March this year, an incident was observed in the Sun. A solar tornado rose so high in the Sun that it was not seen before. Its height was about 10 times more than the height of the Earth. Andrew McCarthy also confirmed this in his tweet. He captured this incident with his solar telescope. Andrew had told that he spent 3 hours with his solar telescope, then a long tornado-like thing appeared on the Sun.

Recently he shared a picture of the moon in his social media account. The picture was prepared by taking 2 lakh 80 thousand photographs of the moon itself. In the photo, lava lakes present on the surface of the moon, lava tubes that look like the marks of crawling insects, valleys and impact craters could also be seen.

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