BGMI Tips Tricks How to Win Chicken Dinner Easily Battlegrounds Mobile India Cheats to Win Conqueror Full Guide

After a long ban, battlegrounds mobile india (BGMI) players are now active again. Many new weapons, a new map and more have been added to the game after recent updates, but even today it is as difficult for players to have ‘chicken dinner’ as it was at the beginning of this mobile battle royale. The game is almost similar to PUBG Mobile, but has become quite modern. In such a situation, it has become very difficult to reach the top level. BGMI is a battle royale game where no matter how much mastery you achieve, it is less. On top of that, if you are a beginner player then the complexity of this game will leave no stone unturned in demoralizing you.

However, understanding and mastering Battlegrounds Mobile India is not rocket science. To make a chicken dinner, you just need to keep in mind a few important points, which are so common that you will say, “we already knew this”, but somehow you do not use them in your game. Apart from this, let us also tell you that there are some badges in the game, which show how many skills the players have and whether they are a master of this game or not. Here the player starts with Bronze and goes through Silver, Gold and reaches the highest rank in the game – Conqueror. However, getting there is no child’s play. Players earn this badge after months of hard work.

Without any delay, let us tell you how you can improve your game with time and have Chicken Dinner in every match and can also earn the Conqueror Badge by climbing the ladder one by one.

How easy would chicken dinner be?

Get off at less crowded places
If you are a new Battlegrounds Mobile India player, then undoubtedly you too must have made the mistake of landing in a crowded place. New players often make this mistake and their crates are created within a few minutes. For example, if you chose the Erangel map, locations like Pochinki, Sosnovka Military Base, School, and Georgopol are considered the best for drops, as they have plenty of loot. It happens, but due to this greed there are also a lot of players here. Due to good loot, more and more players come here. In such a situation, you should land a little away from such a location or choose some such locations where less players land and the loot is also good. You can choose locations like Yasnaya Polyana, Prison, Mylta Power, Mansion, Farm, Severny. Apply the same trick to other maps in the game as well.

Don’t rush to loot enemy crates
Most of you must have heard that greed is a bad thing. Even in BGMI your greed can get you killed 100%. One of the reasons why many players die in the game is that they are tempted to loot the enemy’s crate as soon as they kill them. If you also do this then hopefully you will stop doing so after reading this guide. If you kill a player in the game, always remember to look around first, as the dead player’s teammates may also be nearby or by following the sound of gunfire, nearby players may also take advantage of the opportunity. Come come.

Constantly pay attention to the map
It is very important to pay attention to the map. Tap the map icon on the top right corner and follow these tips – First, stay inside or around the white circle. Second, if you stay outside the blue circle, your health will decrease rapidly, so stay inside the blue circle at all costs and if you are outside, follow the time countdown below the map box to get inside in time. Keep an eye out. Third, stay outside the red circles on the map or stay inside the houses inside the circles, because bombs fall on the red circle areas and they can fall anywhere at any time. Fourth and last tip, you can see traces of bullets and enemy movements nearby on the map, so use these to your advantage.

shoot only to kill
In BGMI you can play the game in two ways. You can either run around the game looking for loot and as many kills as you can, or you can pack up your bags and camp out on a rooftop or inside a building. If you have a high and good point of view as well as a long-range weapon, you can easily destroy multiple players’ crates, but don’t fire until you’re sure you’re on the front line. Can kill the player easily. Because as soon as you fire, you will compromise your intelligence. It may happen that the person you want to kill makes your game over.

Grenades can become your best companion.
If you are fond of increasing your kills by finding players in BGMI, then we would advise you to fill your bag with plenty of grenades and Molotov. Smoke grenades will help you hide, while frag grenades will flash white light in front of the enemies’ eyes, allowing you to perform close attacks on them. At the same time, Molotov can be useful in taking out the enemies from their place and can reduce their health significantly. If your method of throwing a grenade is good then the enemy may not even get a chance to get out. If you are throwing the grenade far away, hold it as little as possible and if you have to kill players hiding in a house nearby, then you throw the grenade with a short hold, giving the player a chance to escape to another room or location. Not found.

choose the right weapon
If you plan on camping, but your main weapon is a shotgun, you are making the biggest mistake. Apart from the pistol, you can carry two big guns in the game, so choose the guns based on your planning. For example, the M416 or AKM assault rifle (AR) can be a good choice for mid-range combat, as it has a very high fire rate and many attachment options. If your aim is good then you can carry a sniper. Sniper rifles like Kar98, SKS are very effective, because with large scope they can easily kill the enemy from long distance. For close combat, an SMG is a good option, such as the PP19 Bizon, Uzi or UMP45 gun. Now, all you have to do is that if you are good at sniping, then you have to carry a close combat (SMG) and a sniper and if you are not into sniping, then you have to carry an SMG and an assault rifle.

Another tip is that if you can’t get a sniper rifle, keep two AR guns and look for a larger scope and fit it on the second assault rifle. Switch this rifle to single fire mode instead of auto and use it like a sniper.

Supply drop is a danger, but a great weapon
Supply drops provide some of the best weapons in the game, as well as special outfits that can sometimes help you hide in the grass or snow. However, you should not forget that this is why there is often a rush of players to loot supply drops. If you are ready to take the risk, then you have to keep an eye on this drop falling from the sky at different locations from time to time and carefully go to its location with your entire team. First you have to pay attention to whether any team is coming to loot it or whether any team is camping around the drop and then loot that drop. You can also do this by deploying a few players from the team to keep an eye around, and only have one or two players go out to loot the drop. After looting, you can go to a safe location and share the loot with your friends.

use vehicles as much as possible
Whether you know how to drive in real life or not, but in Battlegrounds Mobile India you can drive to your heart’s content. For a big map like Erangel in BGMI, having a vehicle is very beneficial. This map is quite large and many times players die while trying to reach inside the circle. Car Here we would advise you to use cars or boats to reach the decided location faster. But remember that the noise of vehicles informs other players that you are nearby. In such a situation, if you do not want to use the vehicle, then keep an eye on the circle below and choose your location accordingly.

Keep in touch with teammates
BGMI You will often come across a player who thinks that he alone is enough, he does not need anyone else. Ten minutes later he is asking for help from his companions to revive. Avoid becoming such a player. BGMI is a team game, so talk to your teammates and help them if needed. Let them know when you find needed items or if you see enemies, share their location. Even if you die, keep watching your teammates’ game and let your teammates know if you notice anything important.

Use low-latency earphones
To survive in Battlegrounds Mobile India, use headphones with clear sound and minimal latency. If you use wired headphones, you get minimal latency in these. Nowadays, there are many Bluetooth TWS earphones available in the market which are equipped with low-latency feature. With good earphones you will be able to hear the exact direction of enemy movement or the sound of gunfire.

Some tips to earn Conqueror badge:-

First of all you join a good team. Being on a good team increases your chances of winning. In a team, you can support each other and get their support. A good team plays with better coordination, where you also get to learn their good skills.

You’ll need to hone your skills by winning each initial badge before you can even think about the Conqueror Badge. The initial badges are easy to earn, but you have to play each match with coordination and intelligence.

To hone your skills, you have to play the game regularly. However, we would advise you to play it continuously for some time, so that you do not get addicted to this game nor does the mobile screen have a bad effect on your eyes.

It has become modern BGMI In the game you will have to understand all the modern weapons and how to use them properly. Rocket launcher or any trap or any additional power, you have to hone your skills on all these.

For Conqueror you will also have to increase the kills rate. You don’t just have to play the match defensively, but to have a good kill rate you have to get around 8 to 10 kills in every match. This proves to be most helpful in pushing the ranking.

Even if you or your team does not get chicken dinner in every match, you have to try to be in the top 3 or top 5 in as many matches as possible.

Keep in mind that the Conqueror badge is given to those players who come in the top 100 in the matrix ranking in Classic mode. For this you should know some things first.

  • You must be in the top 100 in the matrix ranking in Classic mode.
  • You must have played at least 500 matches previously.
  • You must have at least 60% winning percentage.

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