Birds are getting confused due to solar storms losing their way says new study

It is noteworthy that our Sun is going through its solar cycle, which has made it very excited. Events like Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) and Solar Flare are taking place due to sunspots emerging in the Sun. When they impact the Earth, they cause geomagnetic disturbances. Because of these, auroras are visible in the sky. Satellites may also be affected. However humans are not directly affected.
But it has an effect on birds. Due to geomagnetic disturbances, birds find it difficult to find their flight routes. Data collected from US Doppler radar stations and ground-based magnetometers have shown that 9 to 17 percent fewer birds migrate during the spring and autumn seasons due to space weather events.
In the winter season, there is trouble for those birds which fly even at night. They face navigation challenges. It is noteworthy that the ongoing period of solar maximum in the Sun will continue till the year 2025. Its effect on birds can also be a threat to their life, because if they lose their direction, it may take them longer than necessary to reach their destination and they may face food related problems.