Death Clock AI App Predicting Date of Last Day Promises Better Prediction Available Play Store USA

AI technology has advanced so much that now people are able to know the time of their death through it. A new app based on AI is rapidly gaining popularity among the people, which is predicting the death of the users using special AI technology. The app collects some personal information about users, such as their diet, how much exercise they do, stress level and sleep time. By running special algorithms through this database, the app tells the user about his time of death.

The name of this mobile app currently available in America is Death Clock. It has been developed by developer Brent Franson, which has been downloaded more than 10 thousand times on Play Store so far. download Has been done and more than 700 users have also rated it. The app is not available in India and is released only in the US market.

Its AI has been trained on a dataset of more than 1,200 life expectancy studies with approximately 53 million participants. It uses information about diet, exercise, stress levels and sleep to predict the likely date of death. of ndtv Accordingthe developer says the results show a “quite significant” improvement over standard life-table expectations.

The report further explains that the Social Security Administration in the US has its own tables for mortality rates, which are included in the annual financial report to the trustees. The government agency currently estimates that an 85-year-old in the US has a 10% chance of dying within a year and is expected to live an average of 5.6 years.

Developer Franson says such averages may be lower by a large margin and that new algorithms may provide a better measurement.

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