Do you know about these interesting features of Google Chrome?

Everyone knows about Google Chrome’s dominance in the internet browser market share. Since its launch, there has been a continuous increase in its share.

There are many reasons for this. Due to its simple interface, many users prefer to leave their old browser and use it. But no one should have any doubt about the powerful features of this reliable browser. It is equipped with a variety of features.

Chrome has many interesting features that make your browsing experience better. We will discuss only those features in this article. You probably already know about many of these features, but there’s no harm in taking a look at them one more time.

1. Pin Tab
Have you opened any webpage which you do not want to close? So the Pin Tab feature will work to fulfill your wish. To use this, right click on the tab, then click “Pin Tab”. After this that tab will become a permanent page. This page will be fixed forever in the left corner of the browser.

2. Add or subtract in Chrome’s address bar
You must be aware that Chrome’s address bar also works as Google’s search bar. But do you know that it can also play the role of a calculator. You type 12+50 in the search and wait for a few seconds. And the result of this addition 62 will appear automatically.

3. Make Chrome a file manager
You and I use Windows Explorer to search for any file in the computer. It works as a file manager. Do you know that you can also use Google Chrome to access any file. You have to type file:///C:/ in the address bar and all the folders will be in front of you.

4. Chrome will become audio-video player
You can also use your Chrome browser as an audio-video player. Simply drag and drop the file onto the Chrome browser. Google Chrome will do the further work automatically.

5. Drag and drop the downloaded file
You can easily send downloaded files in Chrome directly to your desktop or any other folder of your choice. This means that after the file is downloaded, there will be no need to go to the download location again and again to access it.

6. Google Chrome will work as PDF reader
If you do not have a PDF reader in your system and need to open a PDF file, no need to worry. Simply drag and drop the PDF file onto a new tab in Chrome. This file will open.

7. Task Manager
You can shut down those webpages which are taking too much time to upload. For this you will not even need to close the browser. To do this, go to Settings, then More Tools, then Task Manager. In Task Manager, you will also be able to know about the memory and CPU resources used by each tab.

Do you also know about any interesting feature of Google Chrome? Let us know via the comment box below.

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