FRB was wandering in the universe for 8 billion years reached the Earth

What is FRB
FRBs (Fast Radio Bursts) are bright explosions of radio waves. Their duration is on the millisecond-scale. This is why it is difficult to trace their source and determine their position in space. The first ‘Fast Radio Burst’ was discovered in the year 2007. Since then scientists have been working towards finding its original source. These explosions produce as much energy in one thousandth of a second as the Sun does in a year.
While detecting FRB 20220610A is challenging, it gives scientists a chance to study the universe’s past. The distance from which this signal came suggests that it originated in a galaxy far away from our galaxy. It tries to tell about processes that scientists have not yet been able to think about.
This study has been published in the journal Science. Fast radio bursts have been detected by the team of astronomer Dr. Stuart Rider of Macquarie University. They hope that with the help of advanced research techniques, the source of FRB can be detected and it will also help in understanding the basic principles of the universe.
Astronomers used the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) to detect FRB 20220610A. The team also tried to locate the source. However, success in this is yet to be achieved.