How to check your name in voter list

If you want to vote in any election, then you should have Voter ID Card issued by the Election Commission of India and your name should be in the voter list. Just because you have a Voter ID card, you will not be able to cast your vote, therefore, before the elections, it is very important to know whether your name is included in the voter list or not.
How to check your name in voter list
1) First National Voter Service Portal (NVSP) electoral search page Go to.
2) Here you can find your name in the voter list in two ways – by entering the required information or by entering your Electoral Photo ID Card (EPIC) number. For your information, let us tell you that EPIC number is written in bold letters on the Voter ID Card.
If you have EPIC number then check your name in Voter List like this
If you have Electoral Photo ID Card (EPIC) number written on the Voter ID card, then you can check your name in the Voter List by completing the steps given below.
1) First National Voter Service Portal (NVSP) electoral search page Go to.
2) Click or search Boy EPIC No. Tap on.
3) Enter your Electoral Photo ID card number, go to the menu, select the state and then enter the code shown in the picture and click on the search button. If your name is in the voter list then you will see the information just below the search button. If nothing shows, it means your name is not included in the voter list.
If you don’t have EPIC number, check your name in the voter list like this.
If you do not have a Voter ID card, then in such a situation you will not have an Electoral Photo ID Card (EPIC) number. By following the steps given below, you will be able to easily check your name in the voter list.
1) First National Voter Service Portal (NVSP) electoral search page Go to.
2) Click or tap on Search Boy Details.
3) Here you will have to provide information like name, gender, age, assembly constituency etc. After this, enter the code shown in the picture and then click on the search button. If your name is in the voter list then you will see the information just below the search button. If nothing shows, it means your name is not included in the voter list.
Many times the name of the person is not written correctly on the Voter ID Card, in such a situation it is possible that you may not get results from the search boy details. So it is advised that if you want to check your name in the voter list then search by Electoral Photo ID Card (EPIC) number.