How to link Aadhaar number and PAN card

Today is the last date to link Aadhar card with PAN card and if you have not linked both your cards yet, then hurry up. August 31 is the last date to link Aadhaar card with PAN card. Now it has become mandatory to link Aadhaar number with PAN card to file income tax. If you are trying to find out how this is possible then you have come to the right place. The good thing is that the whole process is very easy. The option to link Aadhaar number with income tax forms has been available for the last few years. But this year the government decided to make it mandatory to link Aadhaar with PAN Card.

(Read: Now linking PAN card with Aadhaar number has become easier)

To link Aadhaar number with PAN card, you have to visit the e-filing website and follow these instructions.

1. If you are visiting this website for the first time then first click on **Register Here**. After this, give the PAN details and create a password after OTP verification. After this you will have to log in.
2. If you already have an account then just click on **Login here**.
3. You have to enter your PAN number in the user ID. After this enter the password, and then the captcha code. Finally click on **Login**.
4. After this a pop up window will appear in which you will be asked to link the Aadhaar number. After this enter the Aadhaar number and then captcha code. Finally click on **Link now**.
5. If you do not see the popup window, there is no need to panic. You can still easily link the two numbers. For this, go to the profile settings visible in the top menu. After this click on the option **Link Aadhaar**.
6. After this enter your Aadhaar number and then click on **Save**.

Please note that this method will work only when the details of PAN card and Aadhar card match completely. The government has tried to simplify the system for those whose details of both the cards do not match completely. Now you just have to give a scanned copy of your PAN card for this. Apart from this, the tax department is also planning to provide online option in this regard. It will give taxpayers the option to link Aadhaar on its e-filing portal. In this option, they have to choose the option of one time password without changing their name. To opt for this option, they will have to provide the date of birth mentioned in both their documents and upon matching, they will be able to link PAN with Aadhaar online. It seems that this option is not made available yet.

Hopefully this information will prove to be very useful for you while filing income tax.

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