How to permanently hide chats in WhatsApp

To hide any of your chats in WhatsApp, you can archive it and keep it hidden forever. Even if new messages come in, it will remain hidden. Many times such chats are kept in the mail box of WhatsApp which are of no use to us. With this feature of WhatsApp, you can keep such chats hidden as long as you want. Archive folder ignores such chat persons or group chats and there is no need to block them.

Till some time ago, whenever a new message was received in a chat hidden in the archive folder, it would become visible again. That means it would come out of the archive folder. WhatsApp rolled out new Archived Chats settings in July. After its implementation, even if a new message comes in the chat kept in the archive folder, it remains hidden. This means that unless the user himself wants to remove that archived chat from the folder, it will remain hidden.

How to permanently hide chats on WhatsApp

New archive settings allow users to archive less important conversations by hiding them in the main chat list. You don’t get notifications of new messages unless you are mentioned or replied to. Both personal and group chats can be archived, and can be accessed at any time in the Archived section. To hide a chat, follow the simple steps below:

Open WhatsApp, select the chat you want to archive. This can be personal or group chat.
You will see three options at the top- pin, silent And Archives
Archives Arrow mark will be visible downwards on the option. Click on this button.
You will now see the Archived section at the top of your chat feed. By going to this section you can see the hidden chats anytime. Users can also unarchive it again. For this select that chat and Unarchive Click on the option. (In this option there is an upward arrow)
If you want to archive all chats, go to the Chats tab. over here More > Settings Tap on. After that Chats > Chat History > Archive all chats Tap on.

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