How to share files between two Android phones? Learn the method…

Nearby Share The feature comes with Android version 6.0 or above. Till now this feature is present in everyone’s phone. If you have not used this feature yet, then first of all know where it will be present in your Android phone.
– First of all go to Settings and scroll down and select Google.
– After this click on Device Connections, on scrolling here you will get Nearby Share option.
– Tap on Nearby Share and then customize the settings.
– You can turn it on or off. To use this feature, you will have to select your device name as well as your Google account.
Nearby Share: How to use and transfer files
– First tap on the file you want to share and then click on the share icon.
– Now you have to click on the Nearby Share option.
– After this your phone will start searching for the nearest device.
– Make sure that the device you want to share the file with has the Nearby Share feature turned on.
– After detecting the phone, you have to tap on the name of that phone. During this time the receiver will also have to accept the file.
– Only after this the file sharing will start and the process will be completed within some time.