How to Watch Lyrid meteor shower 2023 will peak on this weekend 22nd April

EarthSky’s according toThe ‘Lyrid Meteor Shower’ will continue from late night on Friday, April 21, to early morning on the 22nd. The name Lyrid is associated with the constellation Lyra. From there the ‘Lyrid meteor shower’ begins. There is hope of seeing them in India also. These can be seen from the night of 21st, although there is no concrete update in this regard yet. According to reports, people in North America can also expect to see better views.
of the American Meteor Society AccordingWhen this meteor shower is at its peak, about 18 meteors can be seen every hour. Their speed can be up to 47 kilometers per second. Such a high speed is enough to turn meteors into balls of fire. What is also special is that ‘Lyrid meteor shower’ has been seen for the last 2700 years. of live science according toIt was first seen in China in 687 BC.
It is not easy to see meteor showers
Seeing meteor showers is not easy. Many times people have to wait the whole night. To see this sight, you will have to go to a place away from the city lights, where the night can be seen deepening, for example, a rural area. Take a blanket and a comfortable chair with you, as there may be a wait for hours. After setting the location, lie down on the ground and look at the sky.