NASA made Saturn’s moon Titan Picture of the Day know why it is special

Many other characteristics make Titan different from other moons and even planets. Scientists have always had their eyes on Titan. NASA Of AccordingTitan’s atmosphere is dense. Apart from Earth, Titan is the only world on which liquid bodies are present on its surface.
The radius of Titan is approximately 2575 kilometers. It is about 50 percent wider than Earth’s Moon. This icy satellite is located about 12 lakh kilometers away from its main planet Saturn. Titan’s atmosphere is icy. In such a situation, it becomes interesting to know where this picture came from.
NASA sent the Cassini spacecraft towards Saturn in 2004. It orbited Saturn until 2017 and captured pictures of Titan during that time. It is said that the picture of Titan was captured with the help of Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) installed in the spacecraft. There isn’t much detail in the picture, but it gives a glimpse of what Titan will be like.
Due to Titan’s dense atmosphere and icy regions, a very clear picture is not yet available. The Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) with the help of which Titan’s picture was taken had two cameras. One measured visible wavelengths, the other measured infrared. This helped scientists study the atmosphere of Titan. The American space agency wants to further explore Titan. It is said that it has planned to launch the rotorcraft mission in the year 2027.