Netflix account stop password sharing plan new rules 2023 in hindi

One on the Netflix FAQ page Post According to , a single Netflix account will now only be accessible by people living in the same household and people who do not live at the same address as the primary account holder will have to access their account.
Sharing passwords with users outside the customer’s household will now become complex and it is likely that users will be charged additional fees for sharing the same account across different locations.
If a new device linked to the primary account will be in a different location, Netflix will ask for a 4-digit temporary verification code, which must be entered within 15 minutes of requesting access. The device will be given continuous access to another location for seven days.
According to Netflix, users who travel with their main device will have no problem accessing Netflix in other places. To ensure Netflix access, users will need to connect to their primary location’s Wi-Fi at least once every 31 days.
Netflix last year added a new feature called “Profile Transfer” to crack down on account password-sharing.