Never Use these 20 Passwords online Internet Hackers will crack easily

As technology is becoming a necessity for humans, cyber attacks are also increasing. In such a situation, you should take more care of your security and use the internet or technology carefully. First of all, you should use slightly difficult passwords for your accounts. Apart from this, you should always keep changing your password after some time. Despite so many threats, many users not only in India but globally are using very simple or rather weak passwords, which can be easily guessed.

Using numbers as passwords or using simple passwords makes your accounts easier for hackers to access. A recent NordPass annual report on the most commonly used passwords in India revealed that many of them can be cracked in just a few seconds. In the report, NordPass says that it reviewed a 2.5TB database extracted from several publicly available sources, including the Dark Web. The data has been kept in several categories for analysis depending on the country. The data analyzed includes passwords stolen by malware or exposed in a data leak, with “123456” being the most commonly used password in the world.

These are the most commonly used easy passwords in India:

The most commonly used easy and weak passwords include 123456, password,lemonfish, 111111, 12345, 12345678, 123456789, admin, abcd1234, 1qaz@WSX, qwerty, admin123, Admin@123, 1234567, 123123, welcome, abc123, 1234567890, india123 and password. Some of these passwords will take only seconds to crack while many will be cracked in just a few minutes.

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