Photos World’s second deepest 900 feet Blue Hole found in Mexico Asteroid that kills dinosaurs was fell here

of live science Report According to, researchers discovered this blue hole in September last year. However, its data was not released. Scientists believe that this crater or blue hole was caused by the collision of an asteroid on the Earth. The same asteroid that caused the ‘Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event’ on Earth. It is believed that in this event that happened 66 million years ago, three-fourths of the Earth’s plants and animals disappeared forever. Dinosaurs were also extinct.
Scientists had their eyes on this place for the last several years. With the help of scuba drivers, water samples, echo-sound surveys etc., researchers found that its surface area is 13,690 square meters, with a steep slope of 80 degrees. It was also revealed that the mouth of the Blue Hole is 5 meters below sea level, where fluctuations in temperature cause considerable changes in the water.
The study related to the research has been published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science. It has been told in the report that researchers now want to study the microbial diversity of the water of this blue hole. It is possible that they may also get some clues about the events that happened in the past. It is noteworthy that dinosaurs were found on our earth millions of years ago. Scientists have been believing that the destruction that occurred on Earth after an asteroid collision wiped out all trace of this huge species from the Earth.
Blue holes are limestone caves located at the bottom of the ocean. Their surface seems marshy, but there may be a lot hidden beneath it.