PM Modi Warns Against Digital Arrest Fraud How to Protect Yourself Gives Three Steps in Mann ki Baat Latest Episode

What is Digital Arrest?
Before starting, let us first tell you what is digital arrest? Digital arrest is an online fraud in which scammers, posing as government officials, contact people (usually through video calls) and claim their involvement in a fake crime. They threaten the victims that if they do not cooperate with them (fake government officials), they will face heavy fines and long imprisonment. After this they ask people to fulfill their demand for money. The victim is trapped in such a way that he is forced to agree to pay the money.
PM Modi on Digital Arrest
Before telling about ‘Digital Arrest’, PM Modi showed a video related to it, through which he explained how the incidents of ‘Digital Arrest’ are carried out. He told that fraudsters scare and threaten people by posing as officers of Police, CBI, Narcotics or RBI. The PM called digital arrest a fraud and told how the perpetrators of this fraud are implicated. The Prime Minister said that the first move of fraudsters is that they collect all your personal information. Their second move is to create an atmosphere of fear in front of their target. The PM said that fraudsters will scare you so much over phone calls that you will not be able to think anything.
After this, he told that the third trick of the fraudsters is to show lack of time, they create so much psychological pressure that the person gets scared and becomes a victim of digital arrest.
PM Modi told the people that people of all ages are becoming victims of digital arrest and due to fear, they are losing lakhs of rupees earned by their hard work. He said that if you get such a call then first of all you should not be afraid. You should know that no investigating agency ever conducts interrogation like this through phone or video call.
PM Modi suggests steps to protect yourself
PM Modi has shared three steps to avoid digital arrest fraud. This is the ‘Stop-Think-Take Action’ mantra.
- The first step is ‘Stop’, in which he said that people should first stop and not share personal information with anyone. If possible, a screenshot should be taken or recording should be done.
- The second step is ‘Think’, where people should think and understand that no government agency ever gives such threats over phone and does not demand money by interrogating them through video call.
- The third step is ‘Take Action’, where people should take immediate action against such fraudsters. To do this, you can dial cyber helpline number 1930 and inform about the call you have received or You can file a report on.