Scientists discovered a baby exoplanet as old as a 14 day old baby

The interesting thing is that the exoplanet is as new as its star. That is why it has been called a protostar. of live science Report According to, based on the age of this protostar, scientists have estimated the age of TIDYE-1b to be 3 million years. Researchers have said that if we compare the age of this exoplanet with the lifespan of a human being, then the exoplanet is just like a 2-week old ‘baby’, that is why it has also been called a baby exoplanet.
Published in Nature Journal Study Researchers have told about baby exoplanet. This was discovered from data received from NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Researchers say that this discovery tells us about the formation of planets. We can also find out our place in the universe and how old the Earth is. Where did it come from and where is it going?
The special thing is that exoplanets do not become visible very quickly. In the initial years they cannot be seen because they are covered with dust, gas and other things. Gradually, when the dust and gas settles down, they become visible.