Scientists found 7 rogue planets there are no days or years here Know the reason

of NDTV Report According to, last week the European Space Agency released the first scientific results of the Euclid telescope. This telescope was launched in July last year. The seven ‘stray’ planets discovered are giant gas planets like our Jupiter. However, their mass is at least four times that of Jupiter. These planets were seen in the Orion Nebula, the closest star-forming region to Earth. This place is 1500 light years away from Earth.
The Euclid telescope has also confirmed the existence of dozens of other planets discovered earlier, which do not orbit any star. This pre-print study has been published on Spanish astronomer Eduardo, who wrote it,
Martin says this is likely just the tip of an iceberg.
Talking to a news agency, Martin said that such planets do not reflect the light of any star, which makes it difficult to find them. It is like ‘finding a needle in a haystack’. Some research has revealed that every star has at least 20 planets, which do not revolve around it. According to this, the number of ‘stray’ planets in our galaxy alone can be in trillions.
Detailed details about this can be available after the year 2027, when the American space agency will launch the Roman space telescope.