Scientists Spotted 2 Super Earth or Exoplanet the temperature can be 24 degrees

Scientists around the world are exploring the universe in the hope that they might find some place where life is likely to flourish. Astronomers have discovered two Earth-like ‘super-Earth’ exoplanets. They revolve around the Sun in an area that may be habitable. Both exoplanets are slightly larger than our planet and orbit a red dwarf star. It is noteworthy that planets which revolve around stars other than the Sun are called exoplanets.

Studies related to this search in the repository arXiv published Has happened. It is reported that both the exoplanets were spotted by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). At the time the planets were observed, they were crossing their star, called TOI-2095. This star is about 137 light years away from our solar system. As the star crossed, its light diminished. This revealed the existence and some characteristics of the planets.

TOI-2095 is less hot than our Sun. Despite this, ultraviolet rays and X-ray radiation can be emitted from it. This affects the atmospheres of nearby planets orbiting the star. Scientists have not yet been able to know how suitable the atmospheres of both Earth-like planets are for life.

All that has been discovered is that both planets orbit in a region of their star that may be habitable. These planets have been named TOI-2095 b and TOI-2095 c. Now further investigation will reveal whether any other planet like Earth can really exist in this universe.

The planet named TOI-2095b is 1.39 times wider than our Earth. It completes one revolution around its Sun in just 17.7 days. The second planet named TOI-2095 c is slightly away from its star and revolves around the star in 28.2 days. Researchers say that the temperature of these planets is likely to be between 24 to 74 degrees Celsius.

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