Special tips to download YouTube videos and watch them offline

If you are mostly in a place where there is poor internet connection. Or you like to watch videos while commuting to and from office, then YouTube’s offline feature is for you. With the help of this feature, YouTube users can watch their favorite videos on their Android and iOS devices even when the network is poor or not at all. Today we will tell you what YouTube offline feature is and how you can use it.

Launched in 2014, YouTube Offline feature allows Android and iOS users to save YouTube videos on their devices to watch later. These videos can be downloaded via mobile data or Wi-Fi network. This feature comes with ad-support which means you have to watch an advertisement before watching the video.

Not all videos are available offline
It is worth noting that not every video on YouTube can be watched offline. Most of the popular YouTube content in India can be downloaded. But sometimes you will find that some videos are not available for download.

Offline Availability
Any video downloaded using the offline feature can only be viewed offline for 48 hours. After that, you will need an active internet connection and sync the video to the YouTube app to watch it again.

Upcoming Features
The company announced a few months ago that there will be two new useful additions to YouTube’s offline feature. Google CEO Sundar Pichai said that users will be able to know how much time the download will take so that you can start downloading when you are not busy. Apart from this, you will also be able to schedule downloads at night while sleeping like background downloading. We can see these features in YouTube offline in the coming month.

How to download YouTube videos to watch offline
To watch YouTube videos offline, first you need to open the YouTube app on your Android or iOS smartphone or tablet.

Now go to the video file you want to download and look for the ‘Add to Offline’ icon below the video. (Also you can go to the context menu button and select the ‘Add to Offline’ button). Keep in mind that if this video is not available for offline viewing, then this icon will have a cross mark on it. Which means that you cannot download that video file on your device.

After clicking on the offline icon, the YouTube app will ask you to select the file resolution – low, medium, HD. Selecting low quality will make the video download faster and take up less space on your device. But the quality of this video will be quite poor. Once you select the quality, the video will start saving on your device.

How to watch YouTube videos offline
Keep in mind that the saved video will only be available to watch in the YouTube app. To find the file, you need to go to YouTube’s homepage. After this, you can either drag the video down or tap the back button on Android.

Once you reach the homepage, click on the Account tab (icon that looks like a human body in the top right corner).

On this page you will find the saved videos. By clicking on it, you will be able to see all the videos that you have saved for offline viewing. If you want to delete a video, then click on the context menu next to the video and select ‘Remove’ from ‘Saved Videos’.

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