Sun blasted X9 solar flare biggest in 7 years

Earlier in the year 2017, solar flares of X11.8 and X13.3 intensity were released from the Sun. Radiation towards the Earth has increased due to the flare on Thursday. This caused a temporary radio blackout over parts of Africa and the South Atlantic Ocean. It is estimated that the CME which has moved towards the Earth will probably hit the Earth on 6 October.
What is Solar Flare?
Solar flares are created by the light and particles released when the Sun’s magnetic energy is released. These flares are the most powerful explosions ever seen in our solar system, releasing energy comparable to billions of hydrogen bombs. The particles present in them travel at the speed of light.
What is CME (Coronal Mass Ejection)
Coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, are large clouds of solar plasma. After a solar explosion, these clouds spread in space in the Sun’s magnetic field. Due to their rotation in space, they expand and often reach a distance of several lakhs of miles. Many times they collide with the magnetic fields of the planets. When their direction is towards the Earth, they can cause geomagnetic disturbances. Due to these, short circuits may occur in satellites and the power grid may be affected. If their impact is severe, they can also put astronauts in Earth’s orbit in danger.