Sun explodes CME This time Venus and Mars on target will Earth also come in the grip
By told It is believed that due to this CME the atmosphere of Venus and Mars may be affected. If it has an impact on Earth, then auroras can be seen here too. It is noteworthy that events like CME or solar flare do not directly affect humans. However, our daily routine may be affected due to various reasons. Due to their effect, short circuit can occur in satellites. Power grids may fail. These storms can also endanger astronauts in Earth’s orbit.
Our Sun is passing through a period of solar maximum. During this time, it is more aggressive and is carrying out incidents like Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), Solar Flares. The period of solar maximum is going to continue till the year 2025. Because of this, the Earth will have to face some challenge every day.
Due to the current CME, Venus will be most affected. According to, due to this a small part of the atmosphere of Venus may be destroyed. Due to this CME, bright auroras will be visible on Mars. These satellites, which are orbiting Mars, will also be able to see them. If this damage affects Earth, it could affect our satellites, communications and grids. However, its impact at the ground level will be negligible.