Nasa alerts 2 asteroids 2023 HS1 and 2023 HX1 size of bus coming towards earth 21 april know threat more details

Meteorites, or asteroids in English, keep revolving in space continuously. They are very small in size compared to the planets. Astronomers say that these are pieces of stones left over from the time of formation of the planets which continuously revolve around the Sun or some other planet. But sometimes they start moving towards the…

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massive asteroid 2023 JL asteroid 2023 HT4 size 31 foot and 250 foot coming towards earth 11th 12th may latest asteroid update

The asteroid continues to move towards the Earth. These are also called asteroids or minor planets. These are the scattered remains of the planets which keep rotating in the solar system. However, it is said to be very unlikely for an asteroid to be as large as a planet. Like other planets, they also revolve…

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big asteroid 2023 JG coming today near earth with speed of 54995 km per hour nasa jpl latest asteroid approach alert

Space scientists are continuously engaged in gathering information about asteroids. These are said to be the fragments left at the time of the formation of the solar system, which means they could be the remains of the planets themselves. By understanding their structure, scientists can find out how the various planets of the solar system…

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massive asteroid 2020 DB5 size upto 1km long orbit sun 1135 days coming close to earth today nasa latest asteroid alert update

The existence of asteroids in space in our solar system is as old as our solar system itself. That means they have been formed ever since our solar system was formed. That is, during the formation of the solar system consisting of the Sun and the planets revolving around it, some rocks were also scattered…

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16000 asteroid revolving around earth which 45 foot big asteroid coming today nasa latest asteroid alert update

Astronomical objects like stars, planets, satellites, asteroids and meteors are present in space. Apart from the 8 planets of our solar system, a large number of asteroids are also present in it. According to NASA, more than 7 lakh 30 thousand asteroids have been discovered so far, out of which 16000 asteroids are present in…

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