this moon has salt NASA juno spacecraft achieved success 62 crore kilometers from Earth

Ganymede is the largest moon of Jupiter. In size it is bigger than the planet Mercury. Scientists believe that an ocean is hidden beneath its icy surface. This is the reason why scientists all over the world want to explore it.
Juno spacecraft reached the orbit of Jupiter in 2016. Since then it is continuously monitoring him. On April 8 this year, Juno completed its 50th close pass of Jupiter. That means the spacecraft completed 50 revolutions around Jupiter. This spacecraft is also exploring the moons of Jupiter, of which Ganymede is the main one.
Scientists had already estimated the presence of salts and organic materials on Ganymede. They had received this indication from data from the Hubble Telescope, but it has been confirmed only now, when the Juno spacecraft has collected the data. According to the report, the Juno spacecraft flew over Ganymede on June 7, 2021, at an altitude of 1,046 kilometers. The JIRAM instrument on Juno collected data from Ganymede.
As interesting as Jupiter is for scientists, its moons are equally important. The evidence found so far suggests that Jupiter’s moons may be hot, salty and rich in life-supporting elements.