Try these methods to increase the battery life of your smartphone

Most smartphones come with 3,000 mAh or 4,000 mAh batteries. There are only a few smartphones which are equipped with 5,000 mAh battery. Even with a high mAh battery, the phone does not last more than a day. This is because many times we make such mistakes due to which the battery has to suffer. Due to these mistakes, the battery life starts getting deeply affected and then the battery life starts falling gradually. You can improve battery life by following the steps given below.
1) Keep the brightness low or on auto-brightness mode
The demand for smartphones with 18:9 and 19:9 aspect ratio is increasing. This is the reason why now handset manufacturing companies are focusing more on the display. But do you know that the phone displays the highest battery consumption? If you want to increase the battery life, then first of all reduce the brightness or activate the auto-brightness feature present in the phone. Doing this will reduce battery consumption and increase battery life.

2) Reduce screen time out
Understanding the demand of smartphone users, most of the phones are now coming with HD+ display. As we told you above that the maximum consumption in the phone comes from the display. In such a situation, it is advisable to keep the screen time out short. In the Settings menu, you will see either Screen Time Out or Sleep option. If your phone is currently set to 2 minutes, then set it to 15 seconds or 30 seconds. By doing this the battery life will remain good.
3) Keep Bluetooth and WiFi off
Due to the increasing trend of wireless, the Bluetooth of the phone remains mostly active. When headsets, wireless speakers and activity trackers use the phone’s Bluetooth, battery consumption starts increasing. Not only Bluetooth but also features like WiFi, mobile data (3G/4G) and hotspot affect the battery life of the phone. It is advisable to turn off Bluetooth and WiFi when not in use. Doing this will improve battery life.
4) Close background applications
Handset manufacturing companies are using powerful processors for multitasking in smartphones. In such a situation, users keep using one application after another, but as we all know that even after closing the app, these apps keep running in the background. If you want to improve battery life then turn off these background apps.
5) Keep vibrate mode off
If you keep your phone on vibrate mode most of the time then you should avoid doing so. The vibrate motor rotates and shakes the phone, due to which battery consumption starts increasing. If there is no need for vibrate mode in the phone, then leave this feature switched off.