Vi Super Hero Plan unlimited data for users 12AM to 12PM
How to get Vi Super Hero Plan
Any special for Vi Super Hero Plan recharge Has not come. This plan is automatically available on all recharge packs that offer 2GB or more data per day. Such recharges start from Rs 365. This offer can be availed in Maharashtra, New Delhi, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, West Bengal, Punjab and Haryana.
Voda-Idea has also said that it will provide extra data to the people in the remaining time also, so that their internet connectivity continues.
If people are not able to spend their data during the weekday i.e. between Monday to Friday, then it can be carried forward for the weekend. Apart from this, people will be able to unlock 2 GB extra data twice a month without any extra cost. Data can be unlocked through Vi app or by dialing 121249.
It is worth noting that Vi’s unlimited data plan offer has been quite popular. However, due to not being able to launch 5G mobile network, the company is facing loss of subscribers.