Video Solar Flare eruption from sunspot caused radio Blackout in America & Pacific ocean

Sunspots forming in the Sun are affecting the Earth. Last Sunday, there was a massive explosion in a sunspot of the Sun. The solar flare emanating from it affected even the Earth’s atmosphere. This resulted in radio blackouts in the US and parts of the Pacific Ocean. These events happening in the Sun will continue till the year 2025, because the largest star of our solar system is going through its cycle. The Sun is in a very active phase at this time. This period is called solar maximum.

According to reports, the explosion was seen in a sunspot named AR3354 on the Sun. This is a sunspot 7 times wider than the Earth. The solar flare that occurred due to this was of X category. These are the most powerful solar flares and destroy everything that comes in front of them in space.

of Report It has been reported that solar flare affected the Earth’s atmosphere. This caused shortwave radio blackouts in the western parts of the US and the Pacific Ocean. This blackout continued for 30 minutes.

Solar physicist Keith Strong has also shared footage of this incident on his social media account. The 20-second footage shows how powerful the explosion was in the Sun. He also said that in the last 21 years, the month of June 2023 has been the one with the highest number of sunspots.

Solar flares are created by the light and particles emitted when the Sun releases magnetic energy. These flares are the most powerful explosions ever seen in our solar system, releasing energy comparable to billions of hydrogen bombs. The energetic particles present in them travel at the speed of light.

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