Why We Have Never Detected Aliens New Research Reveals

Aliens are that mystery, to solve which scientists all over the world have been working hard for years. Despite this, no concrete evidence has been found. After all, why have we not been able to detect aliens? A research has tried to answer this question. Switzerland’s Statistical Biophysics Laboratory has done research on this, which was published in the Astronomical Journal. published Has happened. Regarding the study, biophysicist ‘Claudio Grimaldi’ says that we have been exploring space for only 60 years. He said that the Earth may be located in a bubble where signals sent by aliens do not reach.

Grimaldi told Science Alert this toldHe explained that we have a lot of space to scan. There is a possibility that transmissions associated with aliens do not reach our routes in sufficient numbers.

However, Grimaldi believes we should remain patient. He said that this is an effort that takes both time and money, and there is also debate as to whether finding extraterrestrial intelligence would be worth it or not. Grimaldi said that we still have a lot of space in space to search for aliens. He said that in the search for aliens, scientists should focus on the data that is being collected by telescopes working on other missions.

On the other hand, another study says that aliens may be able to find us by using mobile tower signals. This study has been published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. It has been said that in the last decade, a network of mobile phone networks has been laid on the earth. For this, every country has installed millions of radio transmission towers, which are also commonly called mobile towers.

Some part of the radio signals emanating from them also goes into space. The study says that if aliens also have technology and are equipped with capabilities related to radio astronomy, then signals emanating from Earth can be detected within a dozen light years or less.

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