Will the temperature reduce during the solar eclipse 2024 Nasa told

NASA has said that during the solar eclipse, there will be a change in daylight and the temperature will also drop. According to the agency, a drop of 5 degrees Celsius in temperature can be expected during the eclipse. It will depend on how much humidity there is at that place and whether it is cloudy or not.
This will happen because the Moon will block sunlight from reaching the Earth. If the sun’s rays do not reach the earth, the heat will be reduced. According to NASA, the Path of Totality of the solar eclipse means the areas where there will be complete darkness, it will seem as if it has become evening during the day.
The effect of the solar eclipse will vary from city to city. Partial solar eclipse will be visible in some areas, while complete solar eclipse will be visible in many places. of ndtv Report According to , several American outlets have reported that people eager to see the eclipse have started reaching the places where it will have the greatest impact.
These also include the city of Fredericksburg in central Texas, where the total eclipse is going to occur during the day. According to Indian time, the eclipse will start at 9.30 pm. However, it will be shown on NASA’s official YouTube channel from 10.30 pm. The eclipse taking place in America is being said to be the most unique eclipse in 54 years.