You can now track trains live in Railway’s ‘Yatri’ app, new update launched

There is good news for those people of Mumbai who use local trains to commute. Central Railway has introduced live-tracking of trains on its mobile application to avoid delays and save time of passengers. The GPS-enabled system, launched on Wednesday, will allow passengers to use the Yatri mobile application to track the status of their train in real time. For now, the feature is available only on Central Railway lines, as it has completed GPS tagging of all its engines.

Photos from the Yatri app launch event, updated on Wednesday, were posted by Central Railways and Yatri on their respective Twitter handles.

The images show a live demo of the app’s feature. Anil Kumar Lahoti, General Manager, Central Railway, said, “(This) will help passengers plan their journey better”.

“This app is useful for daily suburban commuters to get information about train running. Live location tracking will help commuters plan their journey better and travel easier,” Lahoti said in a tweet on Wednesday.

Central Railway has created its official Yatri app with the help of a private firm. According to the feature description page of the app, it provides information about passenger amenities, real-time updated timetables and live train alerts at stations.

The application is being developed in phases and now includes the ability to provide real-time details about a moving train.

Currently, passengers use the private M-indicator app to track local trains. It also includes an authenticated timetable and details of local trains.

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