You will have to wait a long time for new emoji, know the reason
Due to the delay in the arrival of the next generation emoji, the Unicode Consortium has postponed the entire Unicode Standard 14.0. Let us tell you, Unicode is a standard information technology character coding system, which is used in consistent encoding, representation and headline text etc.
your blog Post Unicode Consortium President Mark Davis also informed about the change in the Consortium schedule.
Now that the emoji of the year 2021 is being delayed due to Coronavirus, the consortium says that there is a possibility that version 13.1 may be released in the meantime. According to the blog post, the new emojis in version 13.1 can be introduced based on existing emojis only.
After the Unicode Consortium releases emojis, tech companies like Google, Apple, Twitter release their own emojis based on these emojis, which takes a long time.